I should have posted this before

Proof that Accountants are dull
So Godzooky 1 pesters me to climb up the hill and see the lighthouse.
It's a nice day, so why not. It's been a long time since I went up there. Probably not since I last did cross country at school.
Mrs Zilla suggested that I take Godzooky 2 as well. Why not? She seemed keen.
Schoolboy error on my part.
Not even one third of the way up she wanted to be carried.
I should have seen this coming - she's only two, and small for her age.
Still the struggle to the top was worth it - the views are quite something.
Of course being a typical man, whilst struggling to carry a two year old, I decided not to take the path, but attempt a direct assault on the local equivalent of the North face of the Eiger.
All was well as I gathered my breath.
We were (unfortunately, as I was desperate to climb higher!) unable to enter the tower, as it was closed.
Then I realised that my schoolboy memories of cross country didn't include any of the way back down.
I didn't fancy abseiling back the way we came, so set off in the general direction that my memory prompted me to.
At that point I heard another group close by say, "Let's follow that man, he looks like he knows the way down"
A better man than me might have turned and said "Sorry, I am as clueless as you!".
I am not that man. I thought, well at least we're all in the same boat.
So I'm carrying Godzooky 2 again, trying to keep Godzooky 1 away from the sheer drops, whilst pretending to ignore the small group following in our footsteps.
They didn't follow for too long, especially when I strode confidently towards a ridge, only to discover one of the aforementioned sheer drops.
Ultimately my childhood memories did start to resurface and I found the official footpath, leading us back to civilisation.
Don't take small children up high, steep climbs unless you're prepared to carry them most of the way!
For some reason if he looks directly at the camera he always has his eyes shut.
He had his 8 month check up yesterday - he is freakishly long, very heavy and yet has a tiny head apparently. Make of that what you will.
Anyway I'm off to catch up on my favourite blogs, so that probably means yours!
Out of the 20 marriages, I think around 12 were still going strong, which fits in with most statistics I suppose.
It got me to thinking about how I felt about my marriage, as Mrs Zilla lay soaking in the bath. We didn't get married in the traditional way, as I've already blogged about. We've been together for almost 11 years, and married for just 5. We got married in Las Vegas, just the two of us, although it was broadcast on the internet for interested family and friends! We already had Godzooky 1 by this point. I'm really not sure what marriage has altered in the long term compared to when we were merely living together. In the legal sense it gives me parental rights, and provides more security for Mrs Zilla. Relationship wise I think it made things slightly rocky for a while. We'd talked about marriage and children previously. Marriage was never high on our list, and children were discussed, with the idea that Mrs Zilla wanted to be 28 before that happened. As usual the fickle finger of fate got involved and Mrs Zilla was pregnant at 24. The first of her friends to do so, but she was also the only one in any kind of stable relationship. We'd alreday been together for 3 years, lived together and bought a house. I proposed when Godzooky 1 was around 18 months old. People had stopped asking when we were going to get married, so it seemed less like we were doing it to appease people! The marriage definitely upset the rhythm of the relationship. I think Mrs Zilla felt that she was almost trapped, when most of her friends were still relatively carefree, although more of them had got married, none yet had children. It seems to me that having had Godzooky 1 was in some paradoxical way both the cause of the problem and also the glue that made us work through a difficult time. So where are we now? Comfortable I guess. We know each other really well and what makes us tick. We seldom argue, and if we do it tends to be over trivial things. The only flaw I can find is the declining passion, but then I guess after 11 years I shouldn't expect fireworks? Do I still see us being together long term? Unless something goes fundamentally wrong I don't see why not, but then who knows what's round the corner?