A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


much to post today. I've been tied up in dreary meetings and my mood isn't much lighter than it was. I'll be glad when this week is over. Go on, I'll try and make an effort: We have a new family game to play in the car. We all (those that can speak) have to try and spot Minis and Porsches as we drive around. First one to call a sighting, and get it verified by another player gets a point. First to 10 wins that round, and we start again. On a ten minute drive, to and from the supermarket, last night, I managed to win a round. I spotted 10, Godzooky 1 spotted 7 and Mrs Zilla managed a poor showing of 2. I never realised just how many Minis and Porsches there are out there. Lame posts may end soon...


  • At 9/12/2006 04:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    we do punch buggies in our car. who ever sees the volkswagen bug has to yell first "punch buggy no punchbacks" at the end of the drive who ever saw the most wins. i always lose.

  • At 9/12/2006 06:02:00 PM, Blogger Ticharu said…

    I'm still frothing over Joyce! Yo Mama!

  • At 9/13/2006 08:00:00 AM, Blogger Godzilla said…

    G - I usually lose too, I try and concentrate on the traffic and not crashing!

    Tich - who can blame you, she's all woman!

    Mini - 6 year old boys like minis, but porsches seem to have a slight edge. He'll grow up soon and see the light I'm sure!


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