was a mixed bag of results.
Got all my work related stuff done.
Lowered the cot bed, so Godzooky 3 shouldn't be able to BASE jump from it. I achieved it without resorting to razor wire round the top of the cot either.
We also managed to get out for a bit, and satisfied Godzooky 2's current appetite for jigsaws. The girl just can't get enough of them.
She's just turned 2, but has been tackling ones designed for over 3s with ease. So yesterday I decided to try her out with a larger, more complicated one.
Her patience and eye for detail astounds me. I thought she wouldn't cope with a jigsaw designed for a 5 year old, but she finished it really quickly.
She does seem to be picking up things far quicker than Godzooky 1 did. I'm not sure if that's due to him acting as a role model for her (if he can be described as a role model!), or whether it's down to us as parents having more experience of teaching and developing abilities?
Either way she does seem really quick to pick things up.
Before this descends into a rose tinted, how great is my child post, I should mention the fact that her speech is virtually non-existent.
Her regular vocabulary consists of yes and no. Occasionally she'll throw in a word like cat,book, mummy, daddy etc. trying to then get her to repeat it is a futile task.
We had the same problem with Godzooky 1 - he was very late in starting to speak properly. He was put on a waiting list to receive speech therapy, but by the time he got an appointment he'd already started nursery and was beginning to improve quickly.
I thought we wouldn't have the same problem with Godzooky 2 - with having an older sibling, but it just goes to show that you can never second guess these things.
I'm not even going to go down the speech therapy road this time, by the time they pull their fingers out and get us an appointment she'll probably be reciting Shakepeare!
One of the funny by-products of her lack of speech is Godzooky 1's amazing ability to interpret for her:
Me : "Do you want a yoghurt?"
Godzooky 1 immediately " She says no, but she wants me to have it instead !"
cue response from Godzooky 2: " Noooooooooooooo!"
My down side from yesterday was at football - warmed up fine. Then 10 minutes into the game my thigh muscle tore again.
Looks like I'm heading for the scrapheap.
I probably still stink of Deep Heat, but my nostrils have become accustomed to it.
I've found another thing that keeps Mrs Zilla away in bed though.
Now if I can only find the Anti-Deep Heat recipe I can make a fortune!
At 8/18/2006 12:43:00 AM,
Delboys Daughter said…
Argh. Stop tearing things man!
My littlest, now coming closer to 4, was behind in her speech and also displayed the exact same abilities. She ADORED puzzles and jigsaws. Still does, but the fanatic phase has passed now. She is such a handful though. Finally growing old enough to 1 in every 10 tantrums accept reason and what i'm saying. I was vaguely worried at one point whether she was mildly autistic. But figured i was overly paranoid.
She also has amazing computer skills. I expect she has a secret blog somewhere already heh.
At 8/18/2006 12:04:00 PM,
Godzilla said…
DD - we're lucky with the tantrums, very few and they never last long. I'm good at distracting!
mdw - we all love different things, and all develop differently. Second time around I'm not as highly strung as I was. When she's ready, or when she gets frustrated enough she'll start to talk properly!
Perhaps there's a jibsaw blog out there that we can all get into!?
At 8/18/2006 12:09:00 PM,
Godzilla said…
Jibsaw? Jigsaw I meant!
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