A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Operation

We were both amazed by the pace of the operation, they began cutting at 10.33 and Godzooky 3 was lifted into the world at 10.39. There was a worrying gasp from the midwife checking the baby, but that turned out to be merely amazement at the length of his fingers and toes. Hopefully he will grow into them! He weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 9oz and 55cm long. Then Mrs Zilla was asked again if she was sure she wanted tubal ligation to take place (sterilisation), which seemed a slightly strange. It was the consultant who had said that she would have to have this procedure, given that she has already undergone two other caesarean sections, and the risks of another would be too high. By 10.55 me and the baby were being ushered into the recovery room whilst they finished sewing up Mrs Zilla. This time with my previous experience I had no qualms about being left alone with him, and it didn’t seem long until Mrs Zilla was wheeled in. We waited in Recovery for about an hour whilst Mrs Zilla’s vitals signs were monitored. During this process one of the nurses brought two small pots in, containing what looked like blackcurrant cordial. These turned out to contain the bits of fallopian tube that had been removed prior to the tubal ligation. Neither Mrs Zilla or the nurse showed a sense of humour when I asked if it would be possible to have them made into earrings. I thought it would have made a good talking point at parties, if we ever get out to parties again that is. There is something other worldly about holding a new born baby. The sense of pride, wonder and achievement is like nothing else I have ever experienced. The way they blink and try to bury themselves into the blankets betrays what a shock to the system it must be to enter the world.


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