A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Baby News

This is going to be a quick post while I'm in work to pick up papers and stuff to enable me to work at home. Ok - the stats - Godzooky 3 was born at 10.39am on Friday 6 January. He weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 9oz. Both Mrs Zilla and the yet un-named Godzooky 3 (we're getting closer to a name, I think) are doing well. So well in fact that they came home on the Sunday, despite it being a caesarian section. My life now seems to be a whirlwind of trying to do everything all at once to prevent Mrs Zilla from trying to do it. At least being able to work from home should help me keep all the balls in the air so to speak. I will probably be in work for brief times during the week - expect more news and updates then.... ciao


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