A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Latest

Well I’m back in work (briefly) after what rates as one of the worst weeks of my life. The whole birth thing went like clockwork, no problems, everyone fine. Grandparents went to visit the newborn in hospital on the Saturday, all thrilled and excited. Sunday I got a sudden phone call telling me that Mrs Zilla could come home, she was being discharged. A quick tidy round and then off to pick up the latest addition. The first few days were fine and dandy, alright, apart from the lack of sleep, but that wasn’t exactly unexpected! Then on Mrs Zilla’s first trip outside she complained about having chest pains. When the community midwife came to visit we told her about the pains and she referred us to the hospital. When we got there, a review of Mrs Zilla’s notes took place, and it became apparent that after the operation she hadn’t received some injections that she should have. These were designed to reduce the risk of clots. So after a barrage of tests, ECG, blood tests, blood gases etc there was no definite confirmation of Mrs Zilla’s condition. The only thing that could provide a conclusive answer would be a CT scan with dye. Obviously by this time last Friday the CT scan department was closed, and didn’t work over the weekend. (What people do in emergencies at the weekend I’m still baffled by) Mrs Zilla was therefore admitted to hospital to await a scan, as a precaution. They started treatment as though she did have a clot, to be on the safe side. Eventually, on Tuesday she did get a scan, and it confirmed a clot. Thankfully Mrs Zilla has now been released and with a course of medication she should be completely fine. The stress of looking after the children and travelling back and forth between school, home and hospital has been relentless. The worry about Mrs Zilla has meant sleepless nights and left me feeling very run down. Hopefully normal service will be resumed shortly. I’d like to thank you all for your kind words and thoughts Here's another picture of William to lighten the post:


  • At 1/19/2006 08:40:00 PM, Blogger Fig said…

    Aw he's just adorable! Hopefully now you can relax and start enjoying your new one. Remember to take care of yourself too!

  • At 1/20/2006 12:47:00 PM, Blogger Godzilla said…

    Thanks for the lovely comments, and I really appreciate all your thoughts and good wishes.

    It's not been an easy time, but we all have different problems to deal with, and hopefully we're through the worst now!

    I'm looking forward to catching up on all your blogs!


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