A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I’ve been tagged by Truth so here goes: 5 things that I don’t like doing 1. Shopping for shoes with Mrs Zilla. I’ve done it once, and will never do it again. A long painful day of trying to have opinions about miniscule differences between shoes. Yes, we did return to the first shop visited. This easily makes number 1 in my list, it was that bad. 2. Answering the question “ What would you like for your birthday/anniversary/Christmas* ?” (* delete as applicable). I never know what to ask for. Part of it is just me being me – put me in a shop and I will normally find something I like, ask me cold and I have no clue. I also don’t like to mention anything because I am unsure what sort of value it is reasonable to put on a potential gift. I would not like to seem cheeky and yet I don’t wish to appear ungrateful either. Just surprise me. 3. Working long hours. Not in a selfish, I’m a lazy bastard sort of way. If I work long hours then I don’t get to spend a lot of quality time with the children before their bedtime. My father worked long hours, I didn’t get a lot of time with him, and when I did he was tired. I resolved not to be like him in that respect. I like spending time with the kids before they go to bed, making them laugh, forgetting the stresses of the day. Ok, maybe it is a selfish thing too. 4. Time for a really shallow and selfish one. Going a long time without some hot loving. It makes me cranky and irritable. I could do with a lower sex drive, or bromide in my coffee maybe. Apparently some men aren’t that interested in it. Hey, it’s my hormones fault, not mine. 5. There are things you have to do which you don’t like, but you know it’s the right thing to do. I didn’t like holding my son’s arm while they put a huge needle in his arm. That was pretty tough – it was easy to get the first couple, then I started to struggle. Does it show? I’m never sure on the etiquette of tagging, but if you’ve read this far and can think of one thing you don’t like doing consider yourself tagged!


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