A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Glums

A horrible, wet, dreary weekend comes to an end, and yet still more rain falls. This is supposed to be late May, but feels more like March or April. To add to the gloom, our auditors are back, asking more questions, taking up more time and basically annoying the hell out of me. One small ray of joy was the way Godzooky 1 spent yesterday. He resolved to tidy his room and sort out things that he was willing to throw/give away. To his credit he came up with 3 large boxes of toys to go to the charity shop, and 2 large rubbish sacks full of bits and pieces that were no use to anyone. The awful wet day meant that there was no large queue at the dump, so the whole task was pain free. Grandma Zilla doesn't seem very well at the moment. She's awaiting test results, but is on what seems like a constant diet of antibiotics to try and keep her chest clear. She sounds very down, even though she's just returned from a sunshine break in Spain. I wanted to go and see her, thinking that the children might brighten her mood, but she put us off, citing the fact that she may have a virus, and doesn't want to pass it on to us as well. Ah, well, half term is only a couple of weeks away, and we can make a longer visit then. Hopefully by then she'll have her test results, will be getting the right treatment, and will be feeling brighter generally. This feels like a dull and glum post, which reflects pretty well what is outside at the moment, but I don't want to end on that note, so here's something I found that might amuse for a while: Anagram Generator Enter whatever random phrase you like, and it will reassemble it into more sense or gibberish: 'Godzilla Blogs Daily' anagrams to
'Lazy, glib dildo gaols'
'Tich rocks the world'
anagrams to
'Lord! Shock twitcher.'
'Lily needs creamer constantly'
anagrams to
'Rottenly smellier ascendancy.'
'Fluff had a dastardly ex'
anagrams to
'Half sexy, daft fraud lad.' 'Snav dances beautifully'
anagrams to
'Banefully avid nutcases.'
'Truth and virtue'
anagrams to
'Avid hurt nutter.'
'Sessy needs a break'
anagrams to
'Bee's knees as yards.'


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