A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The usual

Well my football team returned to form last night, a heavy defeat in the UEFA Cup final. I'm used to their erratic form, but my 6 year old son went to bed in tears. He'll soon get used to the taste of defeat. This morning he's back to his usual self. I unfortunatley then spent the rest of the evening imbibing far too much alcohol. I have a fuzzy head and churning stomach, and I have never had a hangover in my life before. Is this another sign of ageing? So you get the benefit of wisdom and hindsight, but suffer more physically? Doesn't seem fair. Serves me right for not reading the small print I guess. My thoughts and actions are pretty disjointed today - is this common with hangovers? Or yet another sign that alzheimers is just around the corner for me? Right enough of my rambling rubbish I'm off to try and satiate my post alcohol hunger


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