A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Insomnia – (or the chance to watch movies)

Last night I had one of those nights where no matter what I tried, sleep was evading me like a bank note in the wind. In the past I have been accused of tossing (not like that! Well, not always) and turning all night when I’ve been unable to sleep. Allegedly I accompany this with loud and frequent sighs. In order to prevent further aggravation for my wife I decided at around 2.00am that sleep wasn’t going to envelop me in it’s purple cloak, and I might as well get up. I made my way downstairs and then tried to think of a way to fill my time. Playing music quickly eliminated: too noisy. Reading: I’m not really enjoying the current book I’m reading, so that had no appeal at 2am. Sorting out my CD collection? I always struggle to find the CD my mood demands, in fact I suspect that someone is filtering my collection, removing some of my favourites that they don’t enjoy. But enough of the paranoia. I think about putting them in some sort of order, but alphabetically seems too anal, by genre too time consuming; how do I class certain groups? I ruled this out as an option, this wasn’t the time to start such a momentous task. If there is a right time ever. TV: I flicked through some stations, but even the naked flesh on certain channels wasn’t really grabbing me, although it was filed as a definite possibility…. I ended up looking through the DVDs huddled together and inspiration struck : Withnail and I. A film where nothing much happens, but the dialogue sparkles with gems. It’s about a journey two out of work actors take to the area I was raised in, the Lake District. So watching it is almost like a trip home. As soon as it came on I realised my choice had been inspired: the memories of the great lines came flooding back. “I fail to see my family’s of any interest to you. I’ve absolutely no interest in yours. I dislike relatives in general and in particular mine.” “I have a heart condition, if you hit me, it’s murder” “These are the sort of windows faces look in at” “We’ve gone on holiday by mistake” I could go on all day – the film is so quotable It saw me through till 4am anyway, then I made Heir no.1’s school lunch and sorted some bills. I got back in bed at around 4.30am, my wife groggily asked “Where have you been?” , then fell straight back to sleep. I lay there making a conscious effort not to move, or make any sound resembling a sigh. At some point I must have drifted off as I was awoken by Heir no. 1 shouting “I want my breakfast! Please” loudly in my ear at 5.45am. My mind did a quick calculation on the length of prison term I would serve, and I ruled out murder in cold blood. Instead I chose to acquiesce to his demands. It’ll serve him right – he’ll be knackered all day and have too long a gap between breakfast and lunch. What I failed to work through to, is that he will cope much better than I’m going to. After 5-a-side tonight I foresee an early bed time for me.


  • At 10/19/2005 12:45:00 PM, Blogger Ticharu said…

    Sorting the CDs by label is something different...
    Seems like if I wake up before 2 AM I can go back to sleep, but after 2 AM forget it! I got to get up and do something or I'll just lay there thinking about mortality or the bills or all the work I have in front of me.

  • At 10/19/2005 11:36:00 PM, Blogger Ticharu said…

    Since the spine is all can see, if you sort by label, they end up arranged by color... sort of.
    How do you like that Godzilla, we are sorting and arranging your CD shelves!

  • At 10/20/2005 07:55:00 AM, Blogger Godzilla said…

    You guys seem sort of expert on this.Which frankly worries me!

    I'm not sure that's going to help me locate specific CDs though - I can never remember what colour the spines are!


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