A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Monday, October 10, 2005

Watch the Skies

I was struck this morning by a woman avidly reading her “Stars”, and the sheer concentration she devoted to it startled me. There’s a job that I wouldn’t like to try to do: Astrologist. Firstly you need to have a great deal of experience in analysing the alignment of celestial bodies (female bodies I’d be willing to spend more time on). You then need the ability to be able to interpret the meanings and consequences of their relative positions. Finally you need to be able to convey to each twelfth of the world population what the coming day has in store for them, according to your analysis. Ultimately you also need someone who is willing to pay you to render this service. I understand why my careers officer didn’t suggest this as an option to me.


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