A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's Official

I am getting old. My body is starting to rebel against me. Or does that mean that my body is a teenager? Last night at football I managed to strain my thigh muscle. Ten minutes from the end. I NEVER get any major muscle injuries. I've tweaked the odd calf and hamstring, but by the next day been right as rain. Normally I can run off any niggles, and I did attempt this last night. I think I made it worse by attempting an audacious volley shot. Then I had to go in goals for the rest of the game. I put ice on it as soon as I got home, and that helped slightly. Today I still feel like someone is digging a blade into my thigh. I've checked under my desk for malicious dwarves, but the truth cannot be ignored: I am injured. My legs were certainly warm enough last night, it was scorchio in the sun. I now dread ending up like some of the older guys who play, they seem to pick up injuries on a constant basis, swapping ancecdotes about recovery times and the size of swellings (oo-er!) So it looks like a few weeks out for me. I'll just do a search for walking stick websites, I may be needing them shortly....


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