A Hatrick of posts
for one day, but then due to illness and general work drudgery I've not posted for too long.
A quick scan around my favourite world of blogs reveals a new trend towards Wordpress.
It all looks lovely over there, and I'm totally with everyone regarding Blogger being a pain.
It's taken me long enough to get to grips with putting links in my sidebar (with thanks due to fluff and Lily for teaching me that).
The prospect of trying to move all this crap I've accumulated over the last year fills me with more dread than a house move. At least with a house move I know what I'm packing, where I've put it and where it needs to go in the new home.
So I think I shall be labouring on with Blogger - in one sense it develops my patience, which is essential with three small children running around at home!
So my next task is to update all my links, which I think I am able to do relatively trouble free now.....
Although look what happened last time I assumed things were going to be ok (see previous posts), Eeeek!
At 6/21/2006 02:34:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh my goodness! I just read your entry about your illness on Father's Day! What a horrible thing to have happened! I do so hope you're feeling much much better now. Being sick sucks, but being sick on a special day such as that is even worse. Here's hoping for a better weekend for you and your family.
At 6/21/2006 11:34:00 PM,
Ticharu said…
I pretend to be sick every now and again just to play for sympathy. It works, and only rarely do I have to throw up!
Don't worry Godzilla, you'll have company here on poor beleagered Blogger, I aint goin' nowheres!
Blogger isn't near as glitchy as MySpace.
At 6/22/2006 12:11:00 AM,
Fig said…
But Wordpress is soooo easy to use. A trained chicken could work it.
Hope you're feeling better... mmmf... I just knew you'd get it. Poor Godzilla!
At 6/22/2006 01:24:00 PM,
Godzilla said…
arete - I'm getting better slowly, and the rest of the family seem to be ok
Tich - at least you get sympathy then!
Lily - so how does this chicken get trained?
At 6/22/2006 05:11:00 PM,
Stephanie said…
Although I created a Wordpress blog, I don't think I'm switching.
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