A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Face Painting

Godzooky 1 has been attending after school club, and his last chosen topic was face painting. Apparently, well obviously from the photos, the children paint each others faces with that week's theme. Here are the fruits of his friend's efforts: This is a ladybird, although I was worried that he had contracted some strange tropical disease at first.

The next week we stayed in the animal world (allegedly) In the words of Rolf Harris can you guess what it is yet?

Of course, you guessed it was a leopard, and not some tribute to the zombie genre of films?

The next week saw us move into a more artistic phase:

This is not a rendition of the German national flag. This is apparently entitled "Tree at sunset". I am pleased that they are exploring abstract art as part of the face painting topic.

Now a more seasonal offering:

Yes, you guessed, it's an Easter Egg. Although I took some convincing that he wasn't trying to be Baron Samedi from Live and Let Die....

A final picture, back into the animal world:

To be honest and fair, this doesn't represent a leap forward in terms of his classmates skills. This one was done by a professional, such is his fascination with face painting now.

I've made light of these results, but to be fair they were all done by 6 year olds, and the fact that they are, for the most part, recognisable is testament to their abilities.

They all really enjoyed it, and that is the crucial thing.


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