A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


why do they feel the need to do it? I'm raging at hearing the new version of You Got the Love by Candi Staton on the radio this morning. I've heard it a couple of times now and I still can't believe what they've done to it. Fine, it's an amazing vocal performance and warrants more exposure, but to remove that killer bass line and replace it with a comparatively weedy piano is just criminal. Part of my rage may be to do with Mrs Zilla. I discovered last night that she has been using the space behind my stereo as a dumping ground. She has dumped a load of things behind there causing damage to my expensively bi-wired speakers, causing the volume and tone coming through one speaker to come and go with just the lack of regularity to be maddening. I have managed to avoid verbal assault, but I think she knows just how pissed off I am. They've still murdered that song though.


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