A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Thursday, March 02, 2006

That's not a moon....

I was driving home from football last night when I noticed the moon, it was a cold, crisp evening and there were lots of stars visible for once. The conditions meant that the moon appeared in sharp focus and reminded me of the Death Star from Star Wars in appearance. When I got home I thought I would get the camera out to take a picture, so struck was I by it's appearance. Unfortunately Mrs Zilla had run the batteries down taking pictures of Godzooky 1. On a Wednesday he has an after school club, and this term they are doing face painting. I was trying to get him to sign up for the Indian cooking course, to heighten his multi-cultural awareness and kitchen safety techniques. Not for all the nice things he might make and bring home, how dare you even think that! So last night he was attired as a tiger apparently. I say apparently, because it was like no tiger I've ever seen before. It looked more like a leopard who was having an identity crisis to me, but as the children all transform each other into creatures I wasn' t too surprised. Anyway it has become clear to me that it is my job to ensure that the rechargable batteries for the camera are duly charged. Mrs Zilla seems to think that it's down to me or the battery fairies to undertake such a task. The legacy of pancake day seems to be ongoing. Godzooky 1 has become something of a pancake fiend, despite his previous dislike of them. He wanted them again last night and has requested Grandma Zilla to make them for him too, when we visit this weekend. That request in itself was a shock. Normally Grandma will come on the phone and ask to speak to him. This normally results in teenage like grunting responses from him to the questions she fires in an effort to get a meaningful conversation out of him. After a couple of minutes he normally says, without fear or thought, "I'm bored, bye!" and then thrusts the phone back at me. Last night he was initiating the conversation with his talk of pancakes. Grandma was so shocked by his utterances that she acceeded to his request, only to have him say "Great, bye!" How can we have a teenager aged 6? Right back to the grind, before I slope off to the Lakes tomorrow. I'm hoping the snowy weather will persist to allow some sledging or snowballing, or at least inspire a trip out into the Lakes. I'm looking forward to the fresh air and open spaces to recharge my batteries.


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