A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Let's do this....

My supposition that Heir no.1's summation of his first day at school was totally off beam. When I asked him what he'd done, he replied with "Things", when pressed for details he became even more vague, although I thought that would be impossible. Through persistent questioning I established that he hadn't done any reading, writing or drawing. He was also most miffed that there was no playing in class from now on, and that the milk was no longer in Scooby Doo cartons. I felt as though I shouldn't lower his spirits any more by telling him that there will never be any playing again in class (officially at least) and that the Scooby Doo incident is merely indicative of what life is going to serve up in the future, things just can't be relied upon. Is that good or bad parenting? My capacity for deceit seems to have been at an all time high last night. Playing five a side football, I was in nets, when a ferocious shot came goalward, I still have the imprint of the ball on my arm today, from my miraculous save. My team mates all commended me for such a brave save, I didn't have the heart/decency* to tell them that I was actually trying to avoid being hit by the ball. Man points awarded and then removed by the jury. * delete as applicable No further up date on my father in law, except that his vital signs seem to be returning to normal, but his confused state persists. He has no recollection of his operation, which is good in one way and worrying in another. We'll know more tonight after visiting I hope.