A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Thursday, August 11, 2005

All change

Well temp number 1 lasted all of two days - then struck by a migraine and coping with a suicidal boyfriend she hasn't returned. So now we have a new temp - Nicky is a school leaver, 18 and creating a lot of interest in the office. We now have lots of male colleagues visiting our section on some pretext or other, visibly sucking their paunches in. I'm quite enjoying maintaining a conversation with them, watching them a) struggle to maintain breathing while holding belly in and b) struggling to follow the conversation as they ogle Nicky. At least the atmosphere in the office has improved, and Nicky appears to be pretty capable, and more importantly interested in the work. Struggling today - our last addition is cutting more teeth, so I have been awake since 3.30am. Lack of sleep coupled with playing football last night is wreaking havoc with my capabilities. Roll on bed time tonight - with fingers crossed for a full night's sleep.


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