A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Monday, November 21, 2005


Another day off last Friday, purely in an effort to get my holidays used up. I’ve still got 22 days to fit in before the end of March, although I can carry 5 forward to the next holiday year. With time off for Christmas I can use up at least another 6. But I seem to have more and more meetings clogging my diary these days. Then I get 5 days paternity leave for the impending arrival, although there is no time limit on when I take these. The nice thing about having the Friday off was getting to spend quality time with Godzooky 2 without the feeling of missing Godzooky 1 out. He was at school. It also meant that when Godzooky 2 went for her afternoon nap Mrs Zilla and myself could have some “quality time” to ourselves. Is there anything better than spending an afternoon in bed, dozing nicely afterwards? Even if the bump is determining certain conditions? It’s been hard recently (pun intended) as Mrs Zilla’s interest in afternoon naps has waned.. Hopefully it will return as quickly and strongly as it did after the birth of Godzooky 2 Another 4 day week this week. Friday we go for a meeting with the consultant gynaecologist to talk through the planned caesarian. Mrs Zilla is starting to get nervous about it now. Both the prior births ended in one, but this is the first (and last) time she is going in knowing that she will be having one. Hopefully Friday will reassure her a bit. I don’t think my attempts at reassurance carry much water with her. Even I’m starting to worry about how I’m going to juggle getting Godzooky 1 to school, look after Godzooky 2 and get my jobs done, both at work and at home.


  • At 11/21/2005 04:36:00 PM, Blogger Fig said…

    Hmmm... maybe I should take a nap this afternoon...

    Poor Mrs. Zilla... I can only imagine how nervous she must be! When is she due again?

  • At 11/22/2005 08:06:00 AM, Blogger Godzilla said…

    Lily I can highly recommend it, although having company with you is the key!

    The initial date is 6 January, but that may cahnge when we see the consultant on Friday


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