A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Monday, November 21, 2005


Saturday was a lovely day, bright and crisp, with a frost covering everything. We decided to visit a local park as it was such a nice day. The Godzookies like to feed the squirrels, visit the pet corner and go in the playground. We were surprised to find ourselves virtually alone in the park, perhaps everyone else was Christmas shopping. We’d taken some peanuts with us, and were greeted by dozens of squirrels desperate for some easy food, without having to tackle the frozen ground. They’ve certainly put on some winter fat, they were little chubsters.

Some of them are far more bold than others and will actually take the nuts out of your hands. This really excites Godzooky 2 and she gets a bit hyper. This causes the squirrels to run off, cueing a chase for her. Others are less assured and sit a way off while they remove the shell to get at the goodies inside.

The park was lovely, bright sunshine and crisp leaves everywhere. Having it to ourselves meant the kids could go nuts without us having to think about their impact on other people.

These pictures haven’t scanned too well, they seem to work better in black and white, but then the magic of Godzooky 2’s eyes doesn’t come through. Perhaps I’m biased, but I reckon she’s gorgeous.


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