A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Catch Up Time

Hmmm - almost a full month since I last posted. This would lead me to one of two conclusions: 1. I have no real desire to do this really or 2. My life is such a maelstrom at the moment that chances to blog are few and far between. I think I can rule out 1. as I'm now doing this - really! so that leaves 2. I am starting to believe that life is ultimately a huge stress test - how much can you handle before you crack, retreat to a corner and suck your thumb, removing it occasionally to say "Wibble"? Further to the previous posts regarding re-alignment where I work and the upcoming house move, life has dealt me a few more cards to shuffle. If I may use a poker analogy, there has certainly been a flop, the stakes have been raised and I'm not sure if the turn and river cards hold salvation or damnation. In the time since I last posted I have discovered that my Father-in-Law has been diagnosed with cancer, and we are to expect our third child around the coming New Year. Further to the pregnancy announcement we have had to deal with a suspected miscarriage, involving lots of blood, an ambulance trip and nursing staff who seemed as amaze as me that the foetus was still in-situ and fine. That was a strange sensation, I had just come to terms with the prospect of another baby, adding to our 5 year old and 1 year old current progeny. Then after the "miscarriage" on a Sunday, with no ability on that day to have scan to confirm the situation, I had mentally come to terms with losing the baby. Only for the scan on the Monday morning to tell me that I was indeed going to be a father again. A veritable roller coaster of emotions. Life at the moment seems like a bit of a treadmill, I seem to be getting nowhere fast, and it's getting harder to keep the same pace up. When I start to deal with one issue another is heaped onto the pile. having said that there is always someone worse off than you.


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