A Man of Numbers

Proof that Accountants are dull

Friday, November 11, 2005

Dish the Dirt Day

It’s Dish the Dirt Day at work today. This is nowhere near as good as it sounds. The idea is not to rake up lots of gossip on colleagues, that sounds like much more fun! We are moving buildings next year, a new one is being built as I write this. It is purpose built and may actually not be too hot in summer and too cold in winter. It’s a small dream we have anyway. So the idea of today, is that we all come in wearing “smart casual” clothes, to clear out lots of accumulated rubbish in preparation for the huge move next year. We’re going to have to clear out cupboards, recycle what we can and archive the rest. As part of the “fun” aspect we are all getting a free bacon sandwich this morning, an energy boosting cake this afternoon and then an after work drink. My problem is that I’m off to the Lake District this afternoon, to visit my mother for the weekend. So I’ve got to Dish all my Dirt this morning, oh and get that budget e-mailed out. So I’d better get on with it!